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Writer's pictureGus Keller

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Marvelous Mayhem

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness absolves messy writing with spunky flavor. Still, the story is cumbersome, protagonists are underdeveloped, and dialogue is unnatural. The plot is straightforward (villains trying to capture a kid), yet there's so much complicated exposition that Multiverse of Madness feels laborious. Plus, that significant groundwork leaves little time to explore the characters. Strange gets some emotional moments and Wanda is powerfully motivated, but that's it. Furthermore, the only actor with enticing material is Olsen. Despite all this, Multiverse of Madness connects because of its trippy elements and heartfelt touches.

Meanwhile, Multiverse of Madness is the most artistic MCU film because Raimi's personality shines through. There is camera movement, suggestive framing, and dramatic lighting. There are beautiful match cuts, striking dissolves, and clever transitions. These techniques set a psychological mood that suits the narrative. Moreover, the sound is complex, symbolic, and creepy. Also, the music heightens adventure and punctuates horror. This is all harmonized by unique direction and production, which cohesively blends clean MCU, bizarre multiverses, and horror undertones. Overall, Multiverse of Madness overcomes its bloated script and MCU ties with fair drama and eccentric craft.

Writing: 6/10

Direction: 8/10

Cinematography: 8/10

Acting: 7/10

Editing: 9/10

Sound: 9/10

Score/Soundtrack: 8/10

Production Design: 9/10

Casting: 9/10

Effects: 8/10

Overall Score: 8.1/10


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No voy a decir mucho ,pero fue una de las pocas películas de Marvel que no te deja distraerte ni un segundo.

La película tiene ese toque oscuro ,momentos de suspenso y violencia que solo Sam Raimi sabe darle a sus películas.

Los actores saben conectar muy bien con sus personajes, sobretodo Benedict Cumberbatch y Elizabeth Olsen, cada uno sabe sacarle todo el jugo a sus papeles.

Supieron presentar bien a América Chávez y supieron hacerla encajar con la película.

Tiene un par de problemitas con el cgi....pero ya es costumbre 🙄

En conclusión, es una buena peli ,entretenida y cumple con varias de las expectativas.

Vayan a verla al cine ,si es posible en 3D.


Calificación: 8,5 / 10 ⭐

By @nknews_


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📢 샘 레이미

👨‍👩‍👧‍ 베네딕트 컴버배치, 엘리자베스 올슨, 베네딕트 웡, 레이첼 맥아담스, 추이텔 에지오포, 소칠 고메즈

드디어 큰 게 왔다. 작품 내외 양면으로 엄청난 존재감을 과시하며 수많은 이들의 기대와 설레발을 일으킨 <닥터 스트레인지: 대혼돈의 멀티버스>. 마블의 첫 공포영화이며 샘 레이미가 연출한다는 점, 우주 최강 마법사 스트레인지의 캐릭터성, 거기에 무엇보다 코로나의 여러 굴레가 드디어 벗겨짐과 함께 어린이날 특수까지 겹쳐 말 그대로 관객들이 쏟아져 나오고 있다. 이 다양한 연령대의 많은 사람들을 최대한 폭넓게 만족시켜서 극장가를 살려야 하리라고 많은 무비고어들도 바랐는데, 아쉽게도 흥행과는 별개로 절반의 성공에 머무를 것 같다.

아주 이질적인 MCU 작품이다. 무서워 봐야 깜짝거리는 정도겠지 생각했던 나를 적잖이 당황시켰다. B급 호러 감독 색깔을 디즈니가 퇴색시킬 거라는 걱정도 기우였다. 9년 만에 메가폰을 잡은 샘 레이미는 물 만난 고기처럼 자신의 장기를 신나게 펼쳤다. 고전 공포 영화에서나 볼 법한 호러 연출과 고어의 영역을 넘볼 정도의 묘사를 희석만 시켜서 마음껏 부어 놓았다. 만약 <데드풀>처럼 R등급으로 제작했으면 감독은 그야말로 폭주를 했을 것이다. MCU 영화이기 이전에 샘 레이미 영화라고 하는 편이 나아 보인다. 이런 점 때문에 <닥스2>는 그동안의 MCU 영화들의 방향성과 달리 호불호가 갈리는 매니악한 성향을 띠게 된다.

한편 그 매니악한 요소들은 대중성을 낮출 뿐만 아니라 영화의 톤앤매너 자체를 애매하게 만든다. 대놓고 공포영화였거나, <판의 미로>처럼 전체적으로 딥다크한 판타지로 만들었다면 일관성이 있었을 텐데, <닥스2>는 우선 슈퍼히어로 영화이되 호러 요소를 주입하는 게 일차적으로 요구되기 때문에 중간중간 마블스러운 유머도 들어가 있고, 음표 배틀처럼 유치 또는 황당한 장면도 넣는다. 그런데다 샘 레이미는 양쪽의 비율을 살짝 넘치게 잡았다. 히어로보다 호러에 집중한다.

물론 호러 연출은 샘 레이미답게 과감하고, 판타지가 베이스이기 때문에 기상천외하게도 느껴진다. 그런데 다른 요소들의 퀄리티는 거기에 한참 못 미친다. 부실하고 중구난방한 각본, 일회성의 진수를 보여주는 캐릭터 활용, 주인공과 조연들의 무력함과 무매력, 중반부를 살리지 못한 완급조절… 특히 액션 연출과 비주얼이 전편보다 퇴화했다. 입이 떡 벌어졌던 전편의 미러 디멘션을 위시한 비주얼이 어느 SF영화에서나 볼 정도로 매우 평이해졌고, 액션은 스칼렛 위치의 레이저빔 한번에 미니언이든 챔피언이든 썰려나가는 허무한 그림이 대부분이다. 타노스를 상대로 날아다녔던 스트레인지는 어디 가고 멀티버스 관광 다니면서 이리저리 치이고 러닝타임 날로 먹으며 나중에는 좀비물이나 찍고 있으니. 거기에 일루미나티 일동은… 말 아끼겠다.

듣던 것과 달리 꼭 <완다비전>을 봐야 이해가 가능한 정도는 아니었다. 왜냐하면 내가 그랬기 때문. 그런데도 이 영화가 닥스 영화라기보다 완다 영화라고 불리는 것은 비중 분배의 완벽한 실패라고 봐야 한다. 스토리의 뒷배경과 속사정 이전에, 기억나는 캐릭터가 동에 번쩍 서에 번쩍 하는 완다뿐이니. 덕분에 MCU 내에서 독보적인 위치를 차지하면서 기억에 남을 <닥스2>는 그저 호러를 결합한 새로운 시도 이외엔 남는 게 별로 없어진다. 물론 그 시도 자체는 의도도 좋았고 신선도도 좋았지만, 홀로 툭 돌출되어 깊이 없이 빠르게 휘발되는 자극적인 맛의 양념으로 남았다. 그래도 보고 나서 되짚어 봤을 때 얘기지, 보는 동안에는 나름 괜찮았다. 다행히.

🙆 “모험적인 시도가 놓친 많은 것들의 빈자리를 과감하고 기상천외한 호러 연출이 덮는다” ★★★


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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness está entretenida. Tiene acción, efectos especiales, comedia, romance, horror y algo de drama. Desde el primer minuto la película es toda una explosión de efectos especiales, lo que está cool. La película también tiene sus sorpresas, algo que está chevere. La trama tiene muchas referencias a los cómics y al MCU, si eres súper fan las vas a disfrutar mucho. La trama también juega mucho con el tema del multiverso, algo que me gusta. Los personajes y actuaciones están bien, ninguno me pareció terrible. Elizabeth Olsen como Wanda / Scarlett Witch está genial, especialmente cuando ataca a un atrapado Doctor Strange y a un poderoso grupo en el multiverso. Sin lugar a dudas, Wanda es lo mejor de la película. Es la única que realmente se puede decir que llega a las emociones o crea impacto en el espectador. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness es una película divertida, nada más y nada menos. No puedo terminar mi opinión sin resaltar la segunda escena post créditos. ¡Qué clase de escena! ¡El futuro del MCU luce prometedor!

By @rodriguezone3


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Went out with some friends last night to see Marvel’s newest MCU film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. This film opens on action and then runs from there. They slow it down in a few spots but this movie rides fast and I kinda like it. They fit a lot into that super fast two hour time, but not everything everyone wanted. Most people dislike this because they theorized the shit out of it and almost none of the theories were right. But you have to get over yourself, you aren’t the writer. There are some fun cameos and appearances, but there would have been more had Marvel not ruined it in a trailer. There just aren’t as many as everyone was suspecting. But that being said, this wasn’t a perfect movie and I think the only person to blame for that is Sam Raimi’s directing. Controversial to say because he gave a lot of people three Spider-Man movies, but whatever he was doing on this movie just wasn’t it. Thankfully though the story is really solid and his odd directing can’t ruin that. You will be lucky you watched WandaVision but Loki and What If…? do not get the return on investment. They even stuff WandaVision into the opening Marvel logo for this one. And if you’re wondering, no one takes the time to mention anyone’s costume change (and there are a lot). Wanda’s emotional arc reaches its peak here and I loved every little second of it. Her action sequences are just so cool. The different universes they travel to are very cool but they only explore a couple, those ones would be very interesting to learn more about. There are two credit scenes. One sets up the MCU future, although just like both of Eternals’s and Shang-Chi’s, who knows when we’ll see that story again. The second one is just a return on a joke from Act One, so if you need to pee, no rush if you miss that one. But now I assume it is time to talk about performances. Benedict Cumberbatch is just so good at the Doctor Strange role. It’s like he was born for the role, the way he has the perfect amount of arrogant Strange and great hero Strange. The way he moves his hands to do all the really cool magic he does in this movie, and the way he handles the more emotional parts of Strange. Elizabeth Olsen is such a phenomenal Scarlet Witch. She also understood the assignment and she is terrifying for it. Yes, this Wanda is very much the villain and good god is she a good one. I’ve heard people say her transition to villain is not well portrayed on screen and those people must not have watched WandaVision right, and they probably aren’t mothers. I don’t know if this is a spoiler but I was really disappointed that Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Mordo isn’t OUR Mordo. I was looking for a continuation on his character from the first movie, and while it is mentioned, he isn’t here. But, he is good in this movie. His scenes are limited but very fun, and he just looks so damn cool. Benedict Wong returns as Wong the Sorcerer Supreme. Wong is just such a delight in every MCU movie he appears in, he’s such a fun character that can be serious when he needs to be. Xochitl Gomez is a really good America Chavez, but I’ll need to see her fight more to make a final decision on her. But her role in the story here is really good and I’m so angry that some people are banning the movie for literally two or three lines talking about her moms, not even her being Lesbian yet, just her moms. Rachel McAdams is back as Christine, and while our Christine gets a good scene at the start of the movie, the one we spend the rest of the movie with is such a better Christine in every way. She’s definitely a bigger part of this movie than she was the first one. Julian Hilliard and Jett Klyne are just so good as Billy and Tommy, it’s great to see them again far more than I was expecting. We do meet a lot of Doctor Strange’s and they are all really cool and Cumberbatch does a good job of playing them each a little differently. Now, I really want to discuss spoilers, so I’ll drop my score here and the next part will be spoilers, so do not look at it, you have been warned. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is the first time I’ve been this torn on an MCU movie in a long time. While I really like the story and plot and characters, Raimi’s direction really pokes holes in the rest. So, I haven’t done this in a while, but I will be giving this a coveted half point, this movie gets an 8.5/10.

[SPOILERS!] Now, I really need to talk about those cameos because wow! Marvel finally did it. After being a little disappointed that the Dark Strange is not Strange Supreme from What If…? or Captain Carter being the What If…? one, they gave us some really good cameos on top of that. So yes, Hayley Atwell is back as Peggy Carter, the Suped up Peggy we love. I was absolutely shocked to see such a sweet actress get cut in half by her own shield. And of course, Patrick Stewart finally returning to the role of Professor X. Based on the music when he appears I think he’s the one from the 90’s X-Men show but let’s hope not since he gets his head snapped and dies in Wanda’s mind. Lashana Lynch is back as well, this time powered up as a badass Captain Marvel that gets the least brutal death of them all. Then of course, someone who might be a better liar than Andrew Garfield, John Krasinski finally makes his debut as Reed Richards, and he’s just as good as we thought he would be. Hopefully he returns in our universe since this one also dies a violent death. And honestly the biggest shock to me, Anson Mount from the Inhumans TV show returns as fucking King Black Bolt. Kevin Feige hates the Inhumans so seeing him was a big shock. Granted, he does die the most violent death of the bunch and he dies first like a bitch. So that could be why. But he’s ten times cooler in this than he was on his own show. And lastly, just like in Eternals, Marvel gives us a huge celebrity reveal in a post credit, no Harry Styles this time, now it’s the one and only Charlize Theron as Clea! And she brings our first peak into the Dark Dimension since the first Doctor Strange movie. She looked so fantastically comic accurate and I can not wait to see her and out Darkhold corrupted Strange again. Okay, I think I’m done talking about this movie, again, an 8.5/10 for sure. -Tyler.


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