Or like my friends and I like to call it "Luz Moribunda" is an amazing experience. We were finally able to finish this game, we played the whole thing in co-op mode and it was pretty darn fun. The first 15 minutes of the game is a basic tutorial you only can play in single player. After that, you unlock the co-op mode and your friends can join your game. Interestingly enough, we were able to play the whole campaign in co-op mode but the final mission and Boss the game forces you to play it in single player, for some unknown reason to us we had to part ways at the end and face the ending on our own.
The final boss was surprisingly easy, much more easy than the rest of the game bosses, or even the mini bosses, for the matter... I mean, you practically don't event fight the guy, the game starts a quick time event where you only have to press the right button during a cinematic sequence to beat the game. I have to say it was a bit disappointing, specially because to fight this bastard you need to climb a huge half-finished skyscraper, while you listen the guy yelled at you.
Overall, I really enjoyed this game and me and me mates are now going for the DLC to continue the story because this game has A LOT of content. Have you finished Dying Light? Did you like it? Let me know in the comment section below.
And as always... No matter what, never stop #gaming