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Hey everyone here's my rant of Fritz the Cat, aka Horny the Cat, WARNING FOUL LANGUAGE AHEAD! HOLY SH&$ everyone I got to say this after I saw this: WHAT THE F%&$ IS THIS F%&$ING SH$%??? Very nasty movie considering this is a cartoon very X-rated, I cringed the entire time even covered my mouth a lot, man I can't believe how awful this was, where do I even begin? Story was very stupid it makes no sense and I had no F#%&ING idea what it's even about; the animation was decent at least not my favorite animation but was acceptable; solid voice acting; all the characters are unlikable that I couldn't give two sh$%s what happens to them and I don't even remember a single one of them, AND I JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT; the lead Fritz himself has to the most unlikable dou$%&bag I've ever seen, this cat literally is a bastard who just touches this and that a lot; soundtrack I will say is decent enough with those 60s style music, though I can't remember a single track, but they fit fine I guess during the movie; this was also a big eye roller cause it was SO BORING, I was literally dozing off every 30 seconds cause it's such a chore to get through kept checking the progress bar to see how much more is left; humor was bleh I hardly laughed at all!
Dialogue was f$%&ing awful it's all over the place sometimes characters just talk about random sh%& that doesn't connect to anything else in the film, now that I think about it I feel like this movie is very disjointed all the scenes felt like they don't belong and they're like individual short stories or some sh&%; many times feels like a really sh%&y TV show; super predictable twists I saw coming from a mile away; decisions that were so stupid it made me facepalm, and absolute f$%&ing sh%&%y ending that made me yell "F%&K THIS PIECE OF SH%&!" Overall I really hated this movie this has to be one of the worst movies I've seen I can't believe this was even made before I was even born! This one is literally Pink Flamingos levels of cringe. So do I recommend this? OH HELL F%&$ING NO! THIS MOVIE NEEDS TO F$%&ING DIE! It's a big stinkier pile of catsh%& in a litter box! F%&$ THIS MOVIE! I give Horny the Cat a whopping 0.1/10!