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Hot Fuzz: A Brilliantly Unique Story, Top-Tier Comedic Performances, All Adding up to a Masterpiece


Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Reviews by:

  • @foxredfilmreviews


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Here it is folks, my first perfect 10 rating. And I cannot think of a more deserving film for this honour than the iconic, legendary, hilarious, remarkable, Hot Fuzz.

I will admit, I have bias towards this one. There are almost no wide-release films set in and around the area I grew up in, so when I originally heard about Hot Fuzz and that it took place close to my home town, I watched it and I loved the film for that very reason. Now all these years later, I still love the film so much and can appreciate even more, disregarding the geographical bias. Edgar Wright's amazing directing for example, I love it and it blends into the piece as a whole so well, you hardly notice it because the editing and camera work are seamless. The way he uses additional sound effects and weaves dialogue into the editing may initially seem gimmicky, but far from it. Wright is a creative mastermind and never tries to accomplish anything he can't. This is one of the best-directed films I have ever seen, purely from an entertainment point of view.

The incredible directing blends perfectly with the film's story and cast. Packed full of references to the films which inspired it, Hot Fuzz is a treat for any film fan. However, the plot never feels derivative, it always feels fresh. It never dwells on wanting to be something it is not, it's a fast-paced love letter to cop movies from the past.

Pegg and Frost have this unbelievable chemistry wherever they collaborate, but they are perhaps at their best in Hot Fuzz. The dynamic between these characters and how it develops is just so likeable and well thought-out, without ever being forced. Every supporting character has their moment to shine too, and each one feels so unique in their dialogue and mannerisms. Every cast member combines to give an ensemble performance which is as perfect as it ever could be.

It was always so cool to me that such an acclaimed film took place down the road from me. But the film is so much more than that. The humour is perfect, it makes me laugh more than any other film pound-for-pound, beautiful directing, a brilliantly unique story, top-tier comedic performances, all adding up to a masterpiece.


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