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As with the majority of Ridley Scott's films, Legend is certainly a sight to behold. The sets are painstakingly detailed along with the costumes and makeup effects. When it comes to Ridley Scott, his films rarely ever look poorly made. More often than not, the main issue that comes from his films is the scripts, specifically how hollow some of his films can be. Sadly, Legend isn't an exception, and it mostly falls victim to its script's shortcomings. I can appreciate the film from a technical and production standpoint but I just cannot overlook some of the glaring issues within the script, which mostly stem down to some basic storytelling beats. But as I've said, Legend is a beautiful film and there is substance there, just not enough to carry the world the film is desperately trying to create.
Tim Curry
But despite falling short when it comes to its screenplay, Legend makes up for it with its phenomenal performance from character actor Tim Curry. Curry pretty much carries this film, especially in the third act. Without him, I don’t know if the film would be as half as memorable as it is. From his mannerisms and body language alone, you seriously are unable to distinguish between where the character begins and the actor ends. As with any great performance, Curry is never visible and his character of Darkness is front and center, as it should be.
The Miscast of Cruise
Yet another issue I have with Legend is not only with its script, but with its choice of Tom Cruise as the lead actor. Cruise has undeniably great range, that much is true. But his acting here is definitely not that. A lot of the time, Cruise just doesn’t belong in this film and I can’t help but think that he was cast solely for his rising popularity. As his career went on, Cruise improved tremendously, but this was definitely one of his weaker outings for me.