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Night Killer: The Weirdest, Funniest, Most Ridiculous Piece of Trash You’ll Ever Witness


Updated: Feb 26, 2023

Reviews by:

  • @terrordetective


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Ever wonder if the folks behind Troll 2 made another hilariously awful yet hypnotically entertaining car crash of a horror flick? Behold: Night Killer (1990)

As we all know, Troll 2 started life as a low budget indie horror movie called Goblins. American distributors decided to Troll-wash it when they saw an opportunity to trick theatergoers into buying tickets for the unrelated (and significantly worse) Goblins. ‘Night Killler’ was made in the same grand tradition of lies, marketed as ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3’ in Italy even though it has nothing to do with the TCM franchise. Fun.

Why they didn’t market it as a NOES movie is beyond me. The lead killer wears a weird melty face rubber mask and has huge finger claws. He doesn’t really look like Freddy, but whatever. Close enough. The movie starts with Claw Hand attacking a woman named Melanie Beck (Tara Buckman). She escapes with amnesia, only to be pestered by some weirdo with bug eyes and a fried chicken obsession. Is this the same guy who just attacked her? Is she processing her trauma through role-play? WTF am I watching?

Trust me when I saw, you need to see this. It’s the weirdest, funniest, most ridiculous piece of trash you’ll ever witness.


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