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The Batman: A Cinematic Masterpiece, And The Best Batman Adaptation.

Writer's picture: rnixon37rnixon37

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

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Director: Matt Reeves.

Starring: Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard, Barry Keoghan, Jayme Lawson, Hana Hrzic, etc.

When the Riddler, a sadistic serial killer, begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city's hidden corruption and question his family's involvement. Wow, I am honestly stunned at how incredible this film was.

The cinematography was genuinely incredible and some of the strongest I have ever seen. The colour palette, the lore of Gotham and so many incredible shots that required so much careful thought and consideration from Matt Reeves. The score and the action was incredible, truly feeling impactful and cinematic. This film had an incredibly uncomfortable and intense tone and is the darkest version of Batman I have seen. There was a lot of interesting moments. Especially with Gotham itself and how it was run, it truly transported me into the world. The use of voiceover from Robert Pattinson was amazing. The directing from Matt Reeves was spectacular, what he managed to achieve here was something special. The performances from absolutely everyone were amazing. Robert Pattinson was incredible as Batman, he bought the intensity, intimidation and the darker side to this character. Zoe Kravitz was amazing as Catwomen. Paul Dano was absolutely terrifying as the Riddler. Plus, Colin Farrell was fantastic, as well as Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis and John Turturro.

The set design was amazing. The mystery was fantastic, the Riddler was always 3 steps ahead of everyone and cleverly manipulated each and every character. The character motivation for the Riddler was great and how it was all linked to the Wayne's. With fantastic chemistry between the whole cast. The script was amazing. The Batsuit was my favourite version from all of the films. The plot development and twists were amazing. With great themes on power, greed and corruption. As well as fantastic character depth, a thrilling final act and a very satisfying ending that sets up a lot of things.

Overall, for me, The Batman is not only my favourite Batman movie but my favourite superhero movie. It is visually captivating, thrilling, dark and intense. The whole cast do a fantastic job and there is not one thing I would change about this movie. Best movie of 2022 for me and I don't think that will change.

Overall Score: 100/100.


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Just got out of my fan event for Matt Reeves’s take on The Batman. I will say up front, this movie is not for everyone. It is three hours long and unlike Avengers: Endgame, you will feel every last second of this runtime. But the issue is, I don’t know what could be taken out to make it shorter, it’s all so necessary to the movie. That being said, I absolutely loved this movie. Reeves’s vision is so clear in every second of the film and god is that vision beautiful. Before I dive into actors, I have to shout out Michael Giacchino. Jesus Christ, this score is truly something else. Reeves really just let him go for it. Batman’s theme and Riddler’s theme are two of the greatest things I’ve ever heard, and Giacchino sprinkles them throughout the film a lot. I was a little nervous on Robert Pattinson but he’s fantastic here. I’ll wait for a second viewing to decide where he places on my list of Batman actors. But he is certainly really good here. His suit is easily one of my favorites, the silhouette it casts is gorgeous and badass. His Batmobile gets a phenomenal entrance followed by one of the best car chases I’ve seen. We don’t see much of Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne, his scenes as Bruce are fine, I need more to make a decision on that part. His fighting style is one of the most brutal so far and really reminded me of the Arkham games, often having to wonder, “how is that guy alive?” But he gets to fight a lot and it’s all so good. Zoë Kravitz plays a really good Catwoman but for the love of god why is her mask so dumb? So much of this movie is cool but they give Kravitz this dumb ass ski mask with no bottom half. Despite that, her action is really good but her fight scenes are hilariously short. But she works really well with Pattinson but we sadly never see them fight side by side. Paul Dano’s Riddler is truly terrifying and they implement so many great horror elements for his character. But out of the three hour runtime, he’s really not in much of the movie despite being some of the best parts of it. The riddles have pretty much all been seen already but the reasons for his doing this are really well thought out and delivered. They bring in some great commentary on the 1%, mass government corruption, and the dark web with their version of Riddler. Jeffrey Wright is a really good Gordon, Reeves must have taken some ideas from Charles Dickens. Dickens likes to give characters unique ticks to make them stand out. Wright’s Gordon says “man” at the end of almost every sentence directed to Batman. John Turturro plays a pretty good mob boss. I like what they did with his character. Andy Serkis is used a lot in the trailers but he’s really not in this much at all. I’d say three fourths of his scenes have been seen in the trailers. But he does play a damn good Alfred. Colin Farrell’s Penguin is really good, he’s still a little funny, but his prosthetics are insane. I am beyond excited to see the future of this version of Batman, there is some serious potential here. All the vibes are in tune to see a live action Court of Owls. I will say, the credits aren’t very long and there is something at the end. But it’s not a scene. Just a tiny tease, but many may not find it worth the wait. I think, if you care about the future of the franchise it’ll be worth staying for. This is fully worth an expensive trip to the theatre with a group of friends or family to watch on an IMAX screen. I’m giving The Batman a massive 10/10, this is the 2022 movie to beat so far. I’m excited to see what the popular internet consensus is for this one, I think it might be a bit polarizing, but we shall see. -Tyler.


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Hoy quiero reseñar The Batman (2022) de Matt Reeves, sin spoilers, más adelante haré una publicación con spoilers para hablar más en profundidad de la película.

The batman cuenta la historia de Batman en su segundo año luchando contra el crimen, él deberá investigar una serie de crímenes que se están perpetuando en la ciudad por parte de Enigma, a la vez que también deberá explorar la corrupción y la mafia de Gotham.

The batman es una grandísima película, al principio era un poco escéptico con Matt Reeves, pero viendo la película me ha demostrado que es un absoluto crack. La película es una maravilla visualmente, la dirección es muy buena al igual que su fotografia y banda sonora, además sus actuaciones son muy buenas, Pattinson lo clava como Batman y Zoe Kravitz lo clava como Catwoman, pero si hay uno que sobresale ese es Paul Dano, que hace una actuación excelente como Enigma, convirtiéndolo así en probablemente el segundo mejor villano principal de Batman, en toda su historia.

Hablando de la película en sí, la película es algo totalmente diferente a lo visto anteriormente en el cine de superhéroes, DC vuelve a sacar una película de superhéroes donde lo que priorizan es el buen cine y no la fórmula que ofrece la competencia que está ya un poco desgastada. Siguiendo con esto The Batman es una película oscura, es un thriller dentro del mundo de los superhéroes donde vemos a un Batman muy realista y a una Gotham muy fiel a su estilo original.

Hablando ahora del propio Batman, tengo que decir que el estilo que le han dado al personaje es muy bueno, ese toque oscuro y realista que tiene el personaje es justo lo que le hacía falta al personaje y además Pattinson aprovecha ese toque del personaje para bordarlo como Batman. Hablar también del traje que es una maravilla y es muy satisfactorio ver los primeros planos de Pattinson con la máscara, le queda bastante bien el traje.

Para acabar ya que no quiero profundizar para no dar spoilers, os quiero animar a que vayáis a ver la película al cine, y decir por último que para mí es la mejor película de Batman junto a El Caballero Oscuro



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An expertly crafted super-hero flick that is effortlessly stylish and provides audiences with a fresh and more gritty take on the beloved character and franchise.

There is something about this version of Gotham and it’s inhabitants that feels very real, and for the first-time in a super-hero flick I actually felt connected and empathetic towards the titular character. He was a man very clearly wounded by the death of his parents, someone who is much happier hiding in the shadows but motivated with his job to protect the city.

Reeve’s interpretation of Batman was unique: dark and dingy and he presented us with a neo-noir detective story within one of movies’ most famous locations. The film was perfectly cast in all areas, with Pattinson, Kravitz, Serkis and Dano putting in hugely captivating performances. I also absolutely loved Jeffrey Wright’s representation of Gordon - there was something very 3D about all of the characterisations and I am so excited to see where this story goes next!

I have to mention the cinematography, Greg Fraser makes this film look stunning and there are some truly breathtaking shots littered throughout the picture. Giacchino’s score is superb and Reeves deserves a huge amount of credit for producing a Batman flick that holds up against the work of Christopher Nolan.



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Tough act to follow you may think, but with the number of storylines, there are still many unexplored alleys. Matt Reeves had the role of bringing this film to life starting with casting. There’s always backlash with every casting decision in Batman movies, you had Heath Ledger as the Joker, Tom Hardy as Bane, Ben Affleck as Batman and now Pattinson. The problem for Pattinson which has followed him throughout his career is The Twilight saga (2008-2012) I find this strange as he’s an amazing actor, not forgetting his roles in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), Remember me (2011) and TeneT (2020). I was personally excited as I think he’s the perfect fit for this Bruce Wayne/Batman, who’s trying to figure out who to trust in a corruption-riddled city, who knew his parents and has his best interests at heart. All the while dealing with people who kill as a game whereas Bruce sticks to his moral rules through fear of becoming his enemies. Zoe Kravitz is cast as Catwoman/Selina Kyle and she’s the best on-screen iteration we’ve seen, the character always reminds Batman about her ability to take care of herself, but you can see under her unbreakable shell she wants for that feeling of having someone, not to protect her but just to understand her and vice versa for Batman/Bruce. The chemistry between them in this film is instant as their eyes lock and at the end it even becomes quite emotional as you know Gotham has sealed their fate of a happy life. Paul Dano is Riddler, the riddles are so dark and not cheesy. What makes this version of Riddler so interesting is what he does to his victims, using traps and their body parts as clues very reminiscent of the Jigsaw killer in the saw franchise using the dark secrets of people’s lives against them. Overall this is a brilliant Batman film, which shows us Bruce Wayne/Batman realising the true level of power crime has over Gotham City plunging it towards disaster and how far people will go to abuse power and use it to their gain. The darkest Batman film made encapsulating the true self of the character, this is a must-watch. #thebatman


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The film follows Batman as he investigates a murder. As he's investigating, he finds out more and more about it; it takes him deeper into the corruption of Gotham.

Overall, I did enjoy this one, but it's not without its flaws. The beginning in particular came off as a bit cartoony to me. I wish they went with just the score for the entire film. I didn't like the songs they added; they played "Ave Maria" several times throughout the movie, even the score mimicked that song. The songs they added to the film felt very out of place and didn't add anything to the film.

You can also feel the length of the runtime, but only a little bit. One of the reasons you feel the runtime is because this film lacks a strong antagonist. With the Dark Knight Trilogy, as many issues, as I have with them, they generally have a strong antagonist, who all challenge Batman, challenge his morals, and his beliefs. The Riddler in this film had the potential to be one of the best antagonists in a live-action Batman film. He started off well; he was a captivating villain and had a strong presence you could feel in the film. But he's not present in the second act; they investigate other bad guys in the movie. While watching, I found myself asking, "Can we go back to The Riddler?" The other bad guys were fine. I just wanted The Riddler to be the main antagonist, not just one of many. Paul Dano was fantastic as The Riddler, and I think he's a capable enough actor to challenge Batman for 3 hours.

Another reason why you can feel the runtime a little is that the pay-off in the third act isn't very satisfying. This is a real shame because they spent all this time crafting a complicated and convoluted plot. In the third act, my mood was like, "Oh, this is happening now." The things that were happening didn't impact me much.

There were things that this movie did well. In fact this movie didn't do anything terrible, it just could have been more. I thought all the actors/actresses played their roles well. I enjoyed Andy Serkis as Alfred, he walked the fine line between being a strong, blunt person and being a caring Father figure to Bruce Wayne. I also wish we had more of him. It had a good score and good cinematography. I really enjoyed them showing Batman giving people hope and being a hero to the people. That's one thing you rarely see in a Batman movie. I will be buying this hopefully in 4k when it does come out!


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