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This chapter starts with Glenn and Maggie getting married. After that, a bunch of people from the group, including them, go the the national guard station to find more weapons and ammunition, in case the people from Woodbury attack them. On the way back they have some problems, but they manage to get back with plenty of useful things. In the prison, with the help of Alice, the doctor, Lori gives birth very easily to a girl. At the same time, Dale gets bitten by a zombie, but they cut off his leg before the infection spreads and he survives. Also, Carol and Lori start being closer again, but Carol can’t stand this life and the pity everyone feels for her, so she kills herself by letting a zombie bite her.
This was a nice chapter, but without much going on. I feel like this chapter was just a preparation for the next one. Although, there are still some interesting stuff in it. It’s very interesting to see that zombies aren’t really the main threat any more. They are certainly a threat and they are responsible for this whole situation, but the characters are more afraid of other living humans than zombies. I think that that’s a very nice development. The characters are all well written and so are the dialogues. In that department I think that this chapter is better than the last one, but because of the lack of action and very interesting stuff in general, I think that overall this is the least good chapter so far. Something that I did like in it tho was seeing Dale being jealous and thinking that there’s something going on with Tyreese and his girlfriend. This whole side-plot really showed very well the problems in their relationship, but also how strong it is. Something else that I liked was seeing Rick trying to adjust to having only one arm. He was always the first to action, so loosing one arm caused him a lot both physically and emotionally.
The artwork in this chapter is pretty much the same as in the last one. Not much better, not much worse. I still like a lot how expressive the faces are and the way zombies are drawn. Also, I like a lot the perspectives of the panels. They are always very interesting and they work very well.
Overall, this was a good chapter, just not as good as the previous ones. It felt to me a bit empty, but I guess it was necessary to be like that, in preparation for the next one.