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Under the Skin: A Truly Disturbing yet Beautiful Sci-Fi for the Ages


Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Reviews by:

  • @there_willbe_spoilers


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Absolutely stunning, totally mesmerising and utterly baffling.

As is generally said about cinema, you only get out of it what you bring to it. And there's lots to draw out here, or maybe there isn't, such is the nature of Under the Skin. You need to meet it halfway.

Bring an open mind to this one and you will be rewarded with one of the most unique sci-fi's out there.

In it, Earth becomes a strange and alien place, full of bizarre creatures and natural obscurity.

The story focuses on Scarlett Johansson luring men into her surreal lair of goopy doom to be consumed by some unknown entity, but the real story is of a woman discovering her identity in a World she can't possibly begin to understand.

Like I say, if you bring an open mind then Under the Skin is about many things. There's a lot to chew on and it serves as a brilliant tool for people to share ideas with each other.

Jonathan Glazer has crafted a truly disturbing yet beautiful sci-fi for the ages; I'll be talking about it for the rest of my life.


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