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Whiplash: A Deep Look Into Obsession

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

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Damien Chazelle couldn't get off with a better start with his filmmaking career than with this masterpiece. It has amazing acting, a masterful direction and a great music score that really helps the audience set up in the mood for jazz. J K Simmon's performance is terrific and makes his character scary, but also Miles Teller's performance is one we shouldn't forget. He really portraits amazingly a man who's obsessed with his biggest dream. The movie's story is very engaging from beggining to ending, and it's really cool to see Andrew and Terence's competition to see who wins the battle. Honeslty it seems like Chazelle already did some movies before this, because this is a very mature movie.

As the film advances, Andrew's obsession with becoming the best is clearly rising. But the real reason is Terrence, who is a very demanding and extreme teacher that brings everyone to their limits, and Andrew's no exception. He breaks up with his girlfriend, doesn't go out with friends, and doesn't do a lot with his dad anymore. All he cares about are the drums. It's so good for a person to persue their dreams and make tim for what they love, but there are certain limits and there's a point it isn't even sane to spend too much time doing a thing. After all what he did, Andrew gets fired from the music school after a big incident with Terrence, and he gives up drums for some time, because he's aware of the harm they did to him (indirectly).

Terrence is a very complicated person. He can come to you in a very friendly way asking you how are you, and then yell at you in class and humiliating you. He doesn't much tolerate errors that can be made while rehearsing either. He pushes his students to the extreme and, later in the movie, we know that the student he says died in an accident actually commited suicide because of Terence's extremes. But he also seems to have a good and human side. Even though it was later deleted, there's a scene where Terence stares at an old photo of him, his wife and what seems to be their daughter (both presumably dead) while listening to some jazz. He may transform into a different person once out of the school, and he maybe just takes it too seriously with his students.

For me, this movie is one of those where the villain wins the battle, and that's because Terence got Andrew all for himself, and its proved in the final sequence. Andrew's still got a bittersweet taste about how things ended in the music school, and he feels he's got more to give. So, when Terence gives Andrew the opportunity to play with his band in a festival, he accepts. In the concert, Andrew gives the best performance in his life, and also gets his revenge for what Terence did to him (he doesn't stop playing when he's supposed to). But the performance he gives proves he hasn't done anything more than play the drums in the past months, which means he ultimately fell into Terence's methods. A prove of this is the face Andrew's father makes when he sees his son playing. It's not his son anymore, it's just the monster Terence created.

By @movie_maniac5


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Andrew Neimans Leidenschaft ist bereits seit Kindertagen das Schlagzeug spielen. Er möchte mal einer der größten und bekanntesten Musiker der Welt werden. Dafür ist er am besten Musikcollage der ganzen USA und an diesem Ort ist Terence Fletscher der zuständige Dirigent den es zu überzeugen gilt. Andrew schafft es in die Band, doch was er nicht weiß ist das Terence ein Choleriker ist wie er im Buche steht. Er erniedrigt und schlägt seine Schüler, um aus ihnen das höhst mögliche rauszuholen. Dabei bleiben die meisten auf der Strecke, auch Andrew ist diese Methode nicht geheuer doch der Drang sich beweisen zu wollen ist so stark wie nie zu vor.

Dieser Film von 2014 geht ca. 106 Minuten und ist ab 12 Jahren freigegeben. Wir haben hier Miles Teller und J.K.Simmons in einem Drama das uns zeigt das man ohne Training und Fleiß es nicht weit bringt. Positiv fand ich J.K.Simmons, seine Figur erinnerte mich an meinen alten Hauptfeldwebel der uns seelisch und psychisch an die Grenzen bringen wollte um das maximale zu erreichen und dabei bleiben eben die Leute auf der Strecke die nicht bereit sind diesen Weg zu gehen. Mit seinen Sprüchen erinnert er stark an Sgt. Hartmann aus Full Metal Jackett. Die Geschichte ist toll erzählt und es gibt keine Langeweile. Das Finale ist wahrlich beeindruckend und fesselt einen in seinen Bann. Negativ ist das ich mit Jazz persönlich nichts anfangen kann und bei der Musik etwas abschweifte. Am Ende bleibt aber ein dramaturgisch spannendes Werk das uns mit nimmt auf eine Reise durch Verzweiflung und Selbstreflexion hin zu einem Punkt der völligen Extase.

Von mir bekommt der Film 9/10 Punkten. Warum hat Andrew kein Handtuch dabei, der schwitzt mehr wie ein Marathonläufer.


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