最後の2本の映画を観ようと決めた後、この映画のような本当に良い映画に切り替えることができてうれしかったです。 良かったとはいえ、色々と複雑な気持ちになりました。 これは、自分がどう感じるかを判断するために少し考え直す必要があると感じたものの 1 つだったので、これをレビューするためにさらに 1 日待ちました。 『Being John Malkovich』では、人形遣いになることを夢見る男、クレイグ・シュワルツが、自分と他人の人生を変える他に類を見ない能力を発見する前に、普通の事務職に就こうと決意する様子を描いています。 この映画は、ユーモアとプロットの要素がとても風変わりで奇妙でしたが、私はほとんどの時間その映画に引き込まれ、次に何が起こるのか疑問に思い続けました。 作られた環境はとても不条理に感じられましたが、登場人物全員のニュアンスにとても共感しやすかったです。 私は不信感を捨てて、ここで作られたこのクレイジーな世界に浸ることに何の問題もありませんでした。 私は奇妙に感じながら行ったり来たりし続けていますが、この映画が私を連れて行ってくれたことにも興奮していました。 チャーリー・カウフマンがこれを書くということで、この映画は普通ではないものになるだろうと思っていたはずだ。 不条理な出来事を通して、人生はいつも自分の思い通りにいくわけではないことや、あるべきものではないこともあるということなど、そこから得られる教訓がいくつかあります。 死というテーマもあり、それを私たち全員が直面するものとして受け入れるべきかどうかということもあります。 また、私が感心したのは、ここで見られる詳細なキャラクターです。 クレイグは究極的に利己的で、自分の望むことを達成するためには何でもする人です。 おそらく最も興味深いのはマキシンであり、すべてを割り引いて受け止め、自分に投げかけられたものには何があっても後悔せずに行動し、最終的に自分が望むものだけを気にするようです。 ロッテは最も普通のように見えますが、他の 2 人のキャラクターの間で悪い立場に陥った人物であり、自分の気持ちを貫かなければなりません。 個性豊かなキャラクター達の演技も素晴らしく、様々な出来事が織りなすこの作品の世界観は、良くも悪くも心に残る作品となっています。
評価 8.1/10
I experienced this film for the first time last week and OMG, Being John Malkovich is one heck of a crazy ride. This is probably the weirdest film I have ever seen! I mean, how does one person come up with such an extravagant idea for a film, and then execute it so well into the script. Also, the performances were insane and the directing was brilliant. Lots of people wouldn't/don't like this film because of how different it is to any other film and how weird and complex the story is, but personally, I loved it. I don't think you can put Being John Malkovich into a genre. It sort of creates its own genre. Anyway, let's move onto the acting
Acting & Characters
The whole cast was brilliant. The four main performances were the ones that stood out to me. Let's start with John Cusack. Cusack played Craig Schwartz so well. Schwartz is such a crazy character who is madly in love and is willing to do anything to get the girl he loves to love him back (literally ANYTHING), and John Cusack portrays this perfectly. You can see in his expressions and his eyes that he is slowly becoming crazier throughout the film. Cameron Diaz was also great. Diaz's performance really made me change my mind about her. She has done some really questionable movies after Being John Malkovich but her performance as Lotte was unbelievable. She transformed herself into this character and I actually didn't realise that it was Cameron Diaz until my Dad told me. This is definitely her best performance (in my opinion).
More Acting & Characters
Catherine Keener was also great in the film. Her performance as Maxine was excellent. She portrayed all of Maxine's emotions and characteristics perfectly! Maxine is such a crazy character who is very selfish and only thinks about what she wants. Her objectives are so extravagant and she changes her mind very often. Catherine brings all of this into the character perfectly and gives a great performance. Now, onto my favourite performance, John Malkovich. John Malkovich had to change his voice (slightly), his walk, his actions, and his intentions throughout the film. He transformed himself into different characters constantly and I found this really impressive. John Malkovich is an excellent actor and this is my favourite performance of his (so far).
This is my first Spike Jonze film and I can't wait to watch more of his work. Spike makes you feel like you are there with the characters and even makes you see what the characters see. Some of my favourite shots are the ones where you get to see through the eyes of John Malkovich and see what other people are experiencing. It makes it more true to the story and it let's you comprehend what is going on even better. Probably the most famous scene in Being John Malkovich is the scene where you find out what happens when a man goes into his own portal. I was actually wondering this from almost the start of the film and that scene is beautifully written and directed. Spike makes this scene seamless and I simply love it. I also loved the grey, black, and turquoise colour palette. It really ties in the tone of the film.
Screenplay & Layers
Being John Malkovich has one of the best and most extravagant screenplays of all time. Although it didn't win the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay (American Beauty won, which was well deserved), Charlie Kaufman created a masterpiece of writing. I seriously couldn't imagine coming up with such a crazy film idea and bringing the idea to life. It baffles me. Charlie Kaufman wrote an extremely complex script with many layers. There are layers of fantasy (being someone else), layers of twisted love (Maxine loves Lotte but only as Malkovich), there are layers of finding yourself (Schwartz tries to find himself in Malkovich and Lotte figures out if she is transgender or lesbian), and there are layers of obsession (Dr. Lester and many others are obsessed with living forever and go through any means necessary to live forever).
This is a complicated and complex film that leaves you thinking about it weeks after watching it. Being John Malkovich has a brilliant script, phenomenal acting and great directing. Overall, I loved this film and I'm sure that you would love it to if you haven't already watched it. Anyway, that's today's review. I hope you enjoyed. If so, drop a comment with your thoughts on this fantastic film and my review. Edit: I forgot to include these two things but I just wanted to mention them. I loved how Schwartz is a puppeteer and takes control of Malkovich and sort of toys/plays with him. It's really interesting to watch how he takes over a human instead of a puppet. I also loved the ending. It is so perfect.