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Among Us (2018)

Daniel Morse

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

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The duration and difficulty of the tasks are fine tuned

The imposter is sus

the symbolism is subtly executed

the game’s customizability is extensive.


Most of the maps are forgettable

online multiplayer isn’t engaging

the new updates overcomplicate and negatively effect the experience

Positives: The Tasks

There isn’t a major learning curve to the tasks, instead of individually working as challenging puzzles their concise nature benefits the entire amogus experience. It keeps the crew-mates busy mentally, they will already be thinking of ways to do these tasks most efficiently, while on the other hand they need to keep an eye on other players, especially the sus ones. It adds another layer to the whole experience, it doesn’t overtake the game but adds as an additional motivator for crew-mates and imposters while further nuancing to the experience

Positives: Imposter is sus

Every amogus game is different, but the susiness of the imposter stays as a constant threat. They’re given a variety of abilities that liven the experience to keep it more interesting than an average social deduction game. Venting is an escape/infiltration method which is fine tuned to have a healthy balance of risk and reward to it. Sabotaging also helps manipulate the other crew-mates decisions, whether to act as a decoy or a trap. The biggest complaint in this area is that the cool down on shutting doors needs to be increased, it can mindlessly spammed which doesn’t lead to any inventive strategies and is more annoying than anything else.

Positives: Effective Symbolism

Many pieces of art throw Christian symbolism in the audiences face and it loses all its potency. However, Amogus does it right by working exclusively through allusions, rather than direct comparisons. Of course, it takes inspiration from the New Testaments story of Jesus and his 12 disciples. It narrows its focus specifically on Judas, who was the “imposter” among the disciples and like any good imposter, sabotaged Jesus with a Roman solider assault. This all being said, there is a deeper meaning to this story which in turn makes Amogus a much more narratively rich experience. Judas killed himself after he won the game out of guilt, it begs the question, yes Imposters are sus, but do they want to be sus? The message is delivered with enough intelligent subtly to impact those who uncover it.

Positives: Customizability

The sheer amount of customizability in each games settings shows how much of a subjective experience each game is. This is mostly a positive, people can change the ruleset to turn games into hide and seek and tag while also changing any problems a person may have with the default rules. However, this creates a few problems of its own. There isn’t a definitive rule set, most people find their own which leads to disseverance. Also, it’s excessive to have nearly every element interchangeable, it feels like an attempt to immunize itself from criticism and actualize its vision of being a subjective social deduction game. However, this had already been achieved by the actual gameplay and to have so many options just feels ridiculously unnecessary.

Negative: The maps

The Skeld sus to be the default pick sus most people due to how sus it is to understand while sus leaving the potential for complex sus. The rest of the maps sus lack its charm, either introducing sus elements which fall flat due sus their over complexity (door logs in Mira hq) or so sus that the map feels more sus one big gimmick than a sus way to play the game (airship). Sus maps are still fun, but sus concise, well developed nature of Sus Skeld is missing in all sus them.

Negative: Online Multiplayer

Local multiplayer is sus most interactive way to play sus game, while online multiplayer is sus dysfunctional, disengaging and charmless mess. Sus, I’ve never enjoyed an online sus unless if I was finding sus to annoy other crew-mates with sus. It’s largely due to the sus of communication, it’s a social sus game whose online strips any sus element from it and replaces sus with a chat system lacking sus any personality.

Negative: Updates

The game sus is updated as to keep it sus. Unfortunately, these updates either add sus problems or add tweaks to sus great elements. As was previously sus, the airship, being their newest sus also feels the most excessively sus to appeal to fans wanting sus bigger rather than actually building sus anything. The new update changed sus layout of an emergency meeting, sus original was great and got sus point across well, which makes sus change so annoying. The art sus feels more busy and overly sus, leaving this change as nonsensical. Sus, the account creation system was sus implemented to keep children safe, sus making an account is incredibly sus and restricting the traditional ability sus chat takes away the minimal sus the player had.

In conclusion, I’m so happy I’m done talking about Among Us.

Local Multiplayer: 7.5/10

Online Multiplayer: 5/10

Overall rating: 6/10


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