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Immortals: Fenyx rising

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Release: 2020

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Console: Xbox/ps4/5/Switch Immortals is a 3rd person open world action RPG which is built on very familiar ground. If Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild decided to shack up and have a baby; this game would undoubtedly be the result. Baring more than a slight resemblance to both, Immortals nevertheless does try to carve out it's own style and image, and for better or worse, I think it succeeds- even if it's not all smooth sailing. As Fenyx, you are tasked with restoring 4 of the famous Greek Gods to their former glory so that they can help you take down the monstrous Titan. The story is fun and easy to follow, and the writing and voice acting is surprisingly great. I especially like how it doesn't take itself too seriously, remaining humorous and light hearted throughout. The story is narrated by Zeus and Prometheus, and the banter between these 2 is constantly amusing to listen to. True to its open world nature, there is a hell of a lot to do and see here; it took me a good 25 hours and that's without doing absolutely everything on offer. All of the expected open world collectables and tasks are here, but some of them do genuinely try to make themselves different, such as composing a greek tune or rearranging a fresco painting. Nothing groundbreaking, but Ubisoft has clearly tried to keep the tasks as varied as possible here, and for the most part they succeeded. The gameplay and combat is fun and easy to get to grips with, while never being overly challenging. Assassins Creed's more modern combat system is drawn from heavily, with the shoulder buttons used to attack, but the blend of abilities and upgrades on offer help to keep combat fun for the duration of the game. The upgrade mechanics are handled really cleverly from a hub style area and they provide you with a range of options which you can approach in any order you like. Find a playstyle you like and go to town with the upgrades. All sounds great so far right? Until we get to the puzzles. In what I can only imagine to be an effort by Ubisoft to frustrate us; they have thrown in loads of puzzles- some of which you will need a nobel prize (or a YouTube guide?) to solve. A portion of these are mandatory and to be honest, by the time I got to the last one I was absolutely sick of them. They really ruined the pace of the game and were little to no fun whatsoever for me personally. This isn't to say they weren't well done. I just found them to be excrutiatingly long and damaging for the pace of the game. Truly a 'puzzling' decision by Ubisoft to lean so heavily on a mechanic that even Stephen Hawking would tire of before the first playthrough is done. That being said though, I would definitely recommend you give this a go if you enjoy Zelda or Assassins Creed games. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Summary: Fun, light hearted open world experience drawing heavily from Zelda and AC Odyssey. Spoiled by over-reliance on annoying puzzles. Verdict: 7.5/10

By @damoroso4


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