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The Forest


Updated: Feb 7, 2023

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…Do you want your son to get nicked by an incestual tribe of cannibals? Well if you don’t piss off you are not wanted.

Now those rationalists are gone we can start.

This game excels at the creepy terror. Its not quite horror, I don’t think, it does very well at making you paranoid, very exposed in a way. With the cannibals attracted to sound and light you are always cautious of them being just behind you. I hate it, but this is why I love it. Its like the feeling of going to your uncle’s house, you don’t know where… or when but eventually some crackhead’s gonna jump


I know that it’s the game designers that coded the movement and AI and things. But I have to give it to animators for all movements of the cannibals are hand animated. which is insane. (exclamation mark) I ain't doing it cuz I hate exclamation marks… they are smartass’) I genuinely believe the animators are gods for their lifelike animations of the cannibals. Moreover, the beauty of this game is immeasurable, mostly. While not the best looking game it definitely gives some epic visuals.

The story also is phenomenal, its basis is not incredible original however the execution is stunning. light spoiler warning Ok so the red cannibal, I love the way he is connected. You see him at the start of the game and then he dips, he nicks lil’ Timmy and remarks a jolly good day to you fam. But the realisation of why he does so is incredible.

While this may or may not be just a tad bit biased I will admit that there are a few problems-ish. There is an insanity meter and when it lowers it just does absolutely nothing, it allows you to make custom effigies but nothing other. Green hell has a very good insanity mechanic and I’m pretty sure that that is what it was meant to be like however complications…complicated things.

All in all The forest is a very good game and hits all the high points it wanted to, I am incredibly excited for Sons of the Forest.


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The Forest is a survival/horror game, released in 2014 by Endnight Games. Playable in a single player mode, or in multiplayer, which adds up to 4 online players. The story of The Forest follows a very simple premise. You, the player, and your son Timmy, are the sole survivors of a plane crash on a remote island. When your son is taken away from you, you must survive the horrors of the island, and find a way to rescue him.

The Forest is a great survival game first and foremost, with an interesting story that you can follow at your own pace. The story is told in a very non-linear fashion. There are no quests or missions, or anything of that nature. The story is told, almost entirely, through items the player finds as they explore the island. These various items queue the player in on the backstory and origins of the island, it’s creatures, and more on the main plot itself. Because of this I would say the story takes a backseat to the gameplay. If you choose you can forgo completing the main story entirely, and simply enjoy the survival and horror aspects of the game.

The main parts of The Forest are the survival aspects itself, and I think they’re incredible. There are plenty of items, tools, structures, defenses, traps, and many more things to build and craft. Through a blueprint system you can build any kind of base or structure you want. There are both premade builds or custom options that give you near limitless possibilities. It really comes down to the players' own creativity and ingenuity. The crafting and inventory system are also perfect in my opinion. All of your items are stored in your backpack, and the way this is done is very fun and dynamic. All of your items are visible and layed out for you upon opening it. From there you can browse your items, craft, and equip them. It never feels too cluttered, and makes things easy to find, along with being visually appealing.

The world is also full of plants, animals, and other materials to collect and gather. With several animals you can hunt to get food, and other resources from, and different plants that allow you to collect seeds, and other materials. The world feels very alive. And interacting with it feels satisfying and fun. The game also has no specific play style you have to adopt in order to survive. You’re given complete freedom to do what you want to do, and you can play how you want to play. You could build a massive fortified base, live nomadically, travel around on rafts, or even build structures in the trees. This helps to always keep the game interesting and different by varying gameplay options.

The horror aspects of this game are also some of the best I’ve seen. This game can be truly terrifying, especially for new players unfamiliar to the world they’re in. Monsters and enemies can stalk you from afar, or conduct massive raids and attack you. The AI for the enemies of this game is some of the best I’ve seen. They react to your actions against not only them, but the world itself. This makes each choice more impactful because they all have consequences. The game doesn’t hold your hand regarding its enemies either. It will be up to you to learn their behaviors and patterns. It provides an interesting, and at times terrifying challenge. This creates paranoia and fear that makes the slightest rustle of leaves, or crack of a stick, fear inducing. Like surviving, there are also many ways to handle enemies. You cuckold search for powerful weapons to defend yourself, or just try to avoid them altogether. It’s up to you.

I really love The Forest and I think it has very few problems with it. The main one being that the game is subject to a few bugs here and there. Sometimes enemies can sort of glitch around where they shouldn’t be able to go. The same can be said for certain objects like logs. Certain structures can also be a bit temperamental when building them, or placing them on certain terrain. This makes construction a bit annoying at times. Although this can be frustrating, it’s nothing game breaking, and it didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the game at all. The game’s graphics do leave a bit to be desired. The game doesn;t look bad, but it also doesn’t look amazing. I think for the most part it looks pretty good, but some textures and renders can be pretty rough. But again, that doesn’t really bother me.

I think The Forest is an amazing game, both in single player and multiplayer. This game is enjoyable when playing by yourself trying to survive, and it’s also really fun to play with friends. Building a big base together, and being scared together adds an extra level of enjoyment to the game. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes the survival or horror genre of games. While it can be very challenging, even on the easiest difficulty, it never feels unfair or impossible, and as you learn more about the enemies, and different ways you can survive, you really feel yourself progressing and getting better.

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